Children's Grief Awareness Week (17-23 November 2016) is a chance for us all to come together to show our support for bereaved children across the UK. Organisations across the UK will be raising awareness of the grieving children in their community, and those supporting them.

The theme for the Week is #MakeTime2Listen – we can all make a difference to make sure that bereaved children and young people’s voices are heard.

Child bereavement is something close to home as my we lost my eldest daughter, Lottie's (pictured below) father when she was just 3 years old.

We wanted to give back the the charity Winston's Wish as they were an enormous help with what to do and say during a difficult time.



More than 100 children are bereaved of a parent every day. At Winston’s Wish, we support children, young people and their families after the death of their parent or sibling. This is one of the most devastating and often traumatic situations a child can face. We believe with the right support at the right time they can lead full and flourishing lives.

We provide professional therapeutic support, offering practice advice to tackle the difficult feelings that come with grief and to keep memories of the person who has died. Last year we supported 869 families (1501 children) through face to face support in individual, group and residential settings and reached many more via our National Helpline, website and a range of publications.

“You came into our lives and our family at a time when we needed you the most. You really ‘got me and the kids and we all opened up to you without worrying that we would be judged, knowing that everything we said would be valued” Lianne, Parent. 

 If you are concerned about a bereaved child, do not hesitate to get in touch:

National Helpline: 08452 03 04 05            Website:

 This week we will be donating ALL of the profits of the  Our 'Missing Piece' Tshirt to The Winstons Wish Charity.

Other great charity's which offer all sorts of advice and support if you or your child is affected by bereavement or know someone who is.

Grief Encounter 

Beyond The Horizon

Childhood Bereavement Centre


November 17, 2016

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